Find a Service is the future of advertisement. There are many reasons and positives to ad with Find a Service. Few of them are explained below but there are many others which will appear from time to time.
FaS Mission!
FaS Protocol starts with our mission, which is infinite. It conveys our purpose as a community and serves as the standard against which we highly weigh our actions and decisions.
FaS is focused to build a source for the community, where they can find the services within the area they like, rather than generalized advertisement on the internet and/or on print media.
FaS is committed to make the online future of advertisement affordable for all, even small or start up ventures.
FaS Vision!
FaS vision serves as the framework for our efficient, customized and dedicated scope of future of advertisement. We would like to maximize the benefits for both our clients and users. Saving money for clients and saving time to search for users. It is our vision to make FaS productive, highly effective and fast moving.
FaS Values!
Today the most expensive or most hard working will not be the best, rather values and rankings are based on work smart. FaS is leveraging the Leadership, Expertise and Diversity to build the Quality and Passion and Work Smart.
FaS is committed to reduce the cost and put the profit back to business and to the community, so we will be adding these values to the business with passage of time. People who trust and join early, will always Enjoy Discounted Rates, so please join now. Keep this in mind, that your duration or countdown of time will not start unless we have certain number of ads in that city, but you will enjoy the showing or your ad from the start. Few actions are below:
- SEO: Our all websites are progressively updated for the latest SEO standards, and will be submitted to search engines, regularly.
- Google Ads: Part of the profit will always goes to promote the services sites, based on the ads and profit each city will get it's pro-rated share of the Google Ads.
- Online Ads: Time to time we will be promoting the cities websites to different popular websites and online marketing strategies.
- Offline Flyers: Again where needed and management approves, offline printed flyers will be distributed in the area, to give people awareness of the searching tool in the area.
- Mobile App: FaS will be launching the mobile app for the users to search the services provided in their area. Where users can configure the app to search for their affectionate city.
- Responsive to Change: We will be responsive to the industry trends and changes as and when they get adopted as standards.
Dedicated Cities??
What does it means? This means that we will be creating different website for each city that will give our searcher looking for the services peace of mind that the results they will be getting are specifically serving their city and not general ads on the internet.
This might sound simple at this stage, but whoever is getting on the boat early will realize this later and at that time it might cost more, because these rates will not stay the same for very long period. But whatever service, duration you buy now or get in-writing commitment from FaS will be honored, regardless of the rates at that time.
Conditions for multiple cities:
Please note that you can request to show your ad on multiple cities websites, as long as you have office there or you openly provide the service in that city. If at any time during your active service duration, we come to know that you are no longer affiliated with that city, we will remove you from that city. There will not be any refund for this removal, only in certain conditions we might provide you credit for other services on pro-rated basis.
Conditions for multiple categories:
Please note that you can request to add to multiple categories, as long as those are available or going to open soon for that city. Other than the nominal charges for each category, you must have openly serving in that category or area.
GO Green:
FaS believe in electronic version of things, and our vision is to use minimum paper, to save the trees and make atmosphere healthier.
As you know even the currency most valuable paper, is getting less and less in use, and some people even do not see or touch that paper in months, they receive and use money electronically. Similarly, our vision is to make things paperless. So, you can send money by email or credit card. We send invoices in pdf or electronically. All ads are online, let’s GO GREEN.
Working 24-7-365:
Our ads work around the clock. It is not like people read the paper and recycled it, or saw the ad board and then moved on. Our ads are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Best thing will be that people can search for the service and by the city they are looking for.
Helping the Community:
Our vision and mission is to use the part of the profit back to community. It can be for charity work, helping the person in need or supporting the not-for-profit or charity organizations. By advertising with FaS or one of its affiliates you are also participating in this good cause.
That's why a lot of work is done on volunteer basis or job to job basis, to minimize the overheads, which means more funds available for community work.
Savings for YOU:
Yes, it is saving for you. You can ad with us for the whole year for the price of one small ad in a news paper, which only works for a very limited time and can reach to a limited area and population based on its publication and circulation.
But our exposure is unlimited and it can be reached from anywhere, on top of that it will be getting more and more exposure with each day and with each new visitor.
Normally, papers with more circulation get expensive to ad, but as we grow we will reduce the renewal cost for loyal customers. So, join as soon as possible to reserve your place in pioneers of new era.
Update or Modify:
There are no hard printing like ads in news papers and magazines, which once printed not easy to update or modify. Online ads with us, you can update, modify or change, your ad image, phone, fax, email, address, services or description at anytime, some conditions may apply.